In Moose Country School, a story based on the life of teacher Miss Elsie Mero, Cheri Lawson invites readers to experience a year in her classroom in the secluded mountains just outside Glacier National Park in 1929.
Trail Creek School is an old forest service cabin turned school house located north of Polebridge. During her first and only year at Trail Creek, 18-year-old Miss Mero teaches five students on whom she leaves lasting impressions.
Miss Mero is a boarder in the house of Buddy, a young student, and his father. Moose Country School takes readers through a year of school with Miss Mero, Buddy, and her students. Readers celebrate the holidays with them as fall gives way to a harsh winter, and then a warm spring.
Miss Mero experiences a bitter delight when the ice and snow give way to colorful mountain wildflowers in the spring. She loves seeing the beautiful flowers pop up in the meadows, but she knows that she will be leaving Trail Creek and her students when the school year ends in May. But like the flowers, she knows that her students will continue to bloom in her absence.
Chip the Buffalo: Based on a True Story Hardcover – July 1, 2006
Do you know how fast the buffalo runs? What are the buffalo’s two keenest senses? How long does it take to drive across Montana from east to west? Where are some of the best buffalo sites in the state of Montana?
Author Cheri Lawson reveals the answers to these questions in her book “Chip the Buffalo” as she gives us a delightfully true account of the pet buffalo who still roams on a Montana private ranch.
Over 30 photos / illustrations with a descriptive narrative depict the life cycle of the buffalo. Enjoy the colorful pictures in this hardbound glossy-page book as you read the true story of Chip the Buffalo while learning about the animal and the state of Montana where the buffalo lives.